Korina Sanchez, Mike Enriquez on Benhur Luy’s list
According to Inquirer.net’s report, pork barrel scam whistle-blower Benhur Luy’s list does not only include politicians but also TV reporters and media personalities. Included in the list are Mon Arroyo, TV director; Korina Sanchez, Mike Enriquez, Deo Macalma, and Rey Pacheco.
As per allegedly Luy’s list, Sanchez and Enriquez received PhP50,000 each as birthday cash gift through Mon Arroyo.
Mon Arroyo outrightly denied the allegation, “At no time did I ever ask for any amount of money and at no time was any amount of money given to me for any media person, Ms Sanchez included,” he said.
Also, Mike Enriquez said through GMA news that he is dismayed with the said allegation, also, he said anyone can come out with a list without any signature. Enriquez noted that the only signed affidavit as of now is Mrs. Napoles’.
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