Air Force acquiring 6 close air support aircraft in 18 months

The Armed Forces of the Philippines under the AFP Modernization Act starts the invitation to bid for 6 close air support (CAS) aircraft. Allocated budget for this acquisition program is PhP4.9 billion.

Department of National Defense particularly said that affordability and sustainability are the guiding principles of this project while conforming to standards of Philippine Air Force in furtherance of accomplishing its mission.

Winning bidder has to deliver said aircrafts in 540 calendar days approximately 18 months after effectivity of the contract.

Super Tucano

Close air support (CAS) is defined as air action by fixed or rotary-winged aircraft against hostile targets that are close to friendly ground or naval forces, and which requires detailed integration of each air mission with fire and movement of these forces. Both helicopters and fighter jets can be utilized as close air support aircrafts.

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