Drilon: 2015 is pork-free

Senate President Franklin Drilon said with confidence that there will be no Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) in the 2015 national budget.

“I assure you that PDAF would not resurrect in any form in the national budget’,” states Drilon.

“The Senate led the efforts to abolish the PDAF even before the Supreme Court had declared it unconstitutional,” the senate president reiterated.

Senate President Drilon

A report said Senate and House of Representatives leaderships are asking their colleagues to submit a list of medical, education and financial assistance beneficiaries, and infrastructures projects in their district to be included in the budgeting tor 2015. Drilon countered the said rumor saying, “I have never asked my colleagues to prepare and submit a list containing preferences for development projects which were used to be funded by then Priority Development Assistance Fund.”