North Korea threatens to strike South Korea

South Korea’s defense ministry spokesperson Kim Min-seok said Monday, May 12 that North Korea “must disappear soon”. The spokesperson also said North Korea is not a real country and only exists for its dictator leader Kim Jong Un. Morever, according to her North Korea has no human rights and public freedoms.

This comment from South Korea followed after North Korea’s state-runned media said South Korea is an “old prostitute”, and U.S. President Barack Obama is a “monkey”.

However, according to Associated Press, North Korea today, May 14 answered back by saying it will “wipe out” South Korea’s government. North Korea’s National Defense Commission said South’s words are intolerable and provocative. North Korea said it will “wipe out every last person” in South Korean President Park Geun-hye’s government by launching all-out merciless strikes.

One Response to North Korea threatens to strike South Korea

  1. Edgardo Moreno says:

    again ?

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